Toddler Room #1 & #2

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Toddler Room #1 News

We hope everyone had a great Family Day! Thank you so much for sending in all the beautiful family photos. We enjoyed talking about our families during large group time. The toddlers continue to look at and talk about them sporadically throughout the day.

We have been learning all about farm animals and the things that happen on a farm. This is always a favourite with the Toddlers.

March Break is quickly approaching (March 11th – 15th). Please let your classroom teachers know if your child will not be attending or if there are any changes to their regular schedule. We look forward this month to the first day of spring. Hopefully we will see more sun and spring weather.

Dress your little leprechauns in green on Friday March 15th as we celebrate St Patrick’s Day

Reminder that we are closed Friday March 29th for Good Friday & April 1st for Easter Monday. Enjoy


Toddler Room #2 News

We can’t believe how quickly February flew by! The toddlers absolutely loved Valentine’s Day, they had so much fun passing out their valentines as well as going through their goodie bags to see what they had received.

The family photos turned out to be a great addition to the classroom. While the toddlers love to look at their own families, they are also enjoying naming their friends families too. Showing off their name recognition skills, many of the toddlers will take turns pointing to each picture and naming which friend the photo belongs to.

Dinosaurs were a continuing topic of interest this month. Playing dinosaurs is definitely a favourite game in our classroom, the toddlers have so much fun stomping around and roaring with the “big dinosaurs.”

Reminder: Please let staff know if there will be any changes to your child’s schedule for the week of March Break, thank you.