School Age News

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We cannot believe it’s already August! July has flown by, and we have been having so much fun.

We spent our month participating in so many fun field trips and activities. We kicked our summer off with Olympics week and enjoyed creating our own gold medals and watching some of the previous summer Olympics events. Next was S.T.E.M (Science Technology Engineering and Math) week. We started off by exploring different types of force and that led to our inquiry about rollercoasters. We watched videos, read books, and brainstormed ideas for our own rollercoasters. We got into groups and began planning the construction of our own amusement park rides. We took into consideration safety measures, aesthetics, and fun. We had a blast building our creations with recycled materials and used a lot of craft materials to make our rollercoasters inviting and fun looking. Then we got a chance to present our rollercoasters to the class and watch them work. It was such an amazing project that really was so much fun!

After S.T.E.M we went right into superhero week. We got the chance to make our own super heroes or villains, create our own origin story, and dress up as our favourite hero or villain. During that week we had an amazing field trip to Dominos pizza where we got to watch how pizza is made, explore the restaurant, and make our own pizzas. We had so much fun and got to enjoy a delicious lunch. Lastly, we took part in Lego week. We built our own Lego people and played many different Lego building games, and we explored how Lego is made and where it originated from. We also went on a field trip to the library that week to check out books and had water day. The fire department came and set up their fire hose. We were lucky enough to be sprayed and run through the water as a giant sprinkler.

We cannot wait to see what the rest of our summer will bring!

Please let us know of any days your child will be out for vacation ASAP. Just a reminder we are closed on August 7th for the civic holiday.