Preschool Room # 3 News

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Welcome to Preschool 3! The children have had a blast the first month in their new room. They have enjoyed playing with all the new toys and educational games. Their imaginations and interests have sparked. During the first couple weeks we focused on self-love, the different ways we can be kind to our friends and learning more about each other. The children created self portraits which were displayed with a photo of their favourite thing about themselves that they often refer to.

One centre we have in the room is a creative corner. When the preschoolers were finished their creations, they would often ask, “Can you put my name?”. Over the next few weeks, we worked on early writing skills and will continue to do so to promote independence and confidence in spelling their name. Some of the students have started recognizing all the letters in their name and noticing that some friends have the same letters as they do.

All the children loved Paw Patrol week and we look forward to all the fun Holiday themed days coming up this month! As we moved closer to December Christmas became the talk of the classroom. They were excited to share when they put up their Christmas tree and the ornaments, they put on it. They have been sure to tell their friends the rules about Santa Clause and making sure they sleep at night or else he won’t come. As well as sharing what they have on their Christmas list. We will be putting up our own tree soon and making our own creations to hang on the branches. We have a full month of fun Christmas activities ahead of us!

With the colder weather on the way we ask that you bring in a labelled coat, hat, scarf, gloves, snow pants, and boots for your little one. We will be working on self-help skills as we encourage the children to get their winter gear on with as little assistance as needed. The quicker we get ready the more fun we get to have outside!

If you haven’t noticed the boxes near our entrance, we will be having a toy/canned good drive for local charities. If you choose to participate, please have donations in by Wednesday, December 13th. Gentle reminder we will be closed the week of December 25th  to January 1st, and we will re-open January 2nd. We want to wish all our families Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see what is in store for 2024!