Preschool Room #1 News

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Happy New Year! We hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. We are very excited to hear all the Christmas stories your children share. It’s always interesting to hear about the holidays and what they did or didn’t receive.

We had a lot of fun with Tinsel our elf again this year. The children looked forward to finding her in our room each morning. The children with elves at home would share where they found their elf. We heard that Lily kept hers in a jelly jar. Sadly, Tinsel has gone back to the North Pole until next year.

The children are getting so good at putting on their winter gear. We have been encouraging self help skills to enhance their independence. Please continue to send boots and snow pants even if there is no snow. We are outside for around 40 minutes, and it is more fun when you are warm.

With the lack of snow so far this year the children have been busy collecting leaves that have gathered along the fence. A couple of children drive the dump trucks, and the others help to fill them. Bike riding is still a favourite activity as well although the boots and snow pants make it more difficult to get on and off independently. Maybe we can wish for a little snow.