Preschool Room #1 & #2 News

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Preschool Room #1

Autumn leaves are beginning to change colours and are covering the ground. We have been learning about the fall season. We are all excited to see the changes taking place out our window and exploring the leaves that have already fallen during outside play. We have been using the rakes to make small piles, filling our buckets, or burying our feet. We are excited to see their interest grow and where it will take us next.

Remembrance Day is on Wednesday, November 11th. Story Book is open; however, this may be a holiday for some. Please let us know if your child will not be attending.


Preschool Room #2

Another month is behind us and we were very busy in Preschool #2 talking about all things Halloween! The children have enjoyed carving and painting pumpkins, exploring with pumpkin guts, measuring themselves on our ‘pumpkin ruler’, and creating their very own candy corn snacks (pineapple chunks, mandarin oranges, cool whip and a few sprinkles!)

In the upcoming month we look forward to creating more exciting activities based on your child’s emerging interests. We will continue to incorporate activities that will promote learning in all areas of development while making it fun and exciting!

As a reminder, please label all extra clothes and your child’s winter gear that they bring to school. This helps make sure your child’s items do not get lost. We are excited to see what this month will bring!