Preschool Room #1 & #2 News

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Preschool Room #1 News

We are loving this warmer weather. We have been enjoying some of our summertime activities. One of the favourites is the sandbox, the children love to make sandcastles and to fill their dump trucks and dump them. We have also been enjoying bubbles, chasing potato bugs, and keeping an eye on our baby birds. The baby birds were evicted by their moms on Mother’s Day weekend. The nests were empty when we came back to school, but we came back to 2 new empty nests soon to be filled.

With the change of seasons, it is a good time to check your child’s extra clothing to make sure it is appropriate for the current weather conditions. Also to make sure your child has a change of clothing, accidents happen. Story Book does have a limited amount of extra clothing to let you borrow if needed but please if you could remember to return the borrowed items that helps us to help others that may need it.

The smell of sunblock is in the air and just a reminder it is provided by Story Book. If you choose to send a hat with your child, please make sure it is labelled. Hats and glasses sometimes fall off outside and it’s easier to find the owner when items are labelled.

Please let the staff know of any vacation time your family will be taking this summer, it helps us in planning for our staffing needs.

We want to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all our wonderful Dads!

Just a reminder that Story Book will be closed Monday July 1st for Canada Day.

Preschool Room #2 News

We think it’s safe to say that the warm weather is here. With that in mind, please check your child’s cubby for winter clothing that can now go home. It may also be a good idea to switch out their spare clothes as the ones they have may no longer be weather appropriate.

In our class, there  is a HUGE interest in birds.  This excitement sprouted when the children noticed a bird’s nest in our playground. The children were very curious in what the birds eat, how a nest was built, what they do when it rains, and which birds fly, and which don’t. We loved discovering the answers to these questions and learning about our feathered friends as we made bird feeders, explored nests, pretended to feed baby birds in the interest table, as well as many other activities during large and small group.

We’ve also have been doing some science in our room with experiments. We did a “wind experiment” when some children were discussing how the clouds were moving in the sky. This helped support the question “Why could the wolf blow over 2 of the houses, but not the brick one?”  We also did a measuring experiment due to the observation that they were comparing their sizes to each other in the mirror. The latest experiment we did was exploring magnets.

The children have really been enjoying the dress up/puppet centre. We have seen so much role-playing, collaborating, problem solving, and working together as they preform their favourite familiar stories.

Just a reminder that there is a P.D. Day on June 7th, please let us know if this affects your child’s attendance. Also, if you are planning any summer vacations that your child will be out for, please let us know so we can staff accordingly. Story Book ELC will be closed Monday July 1st for Canada Day. Enjoy your long weekend!

One other reminder that the children are not allowed to open the doors at school.  The doors are heavy, and we have had pinched fingers.  For safety reasons, only parents and teachers should be opening the doors. Thank you for your cooperation.

We would like to wish all the dads a wonderful Father’s Day.

– “Why fit in when you were born to stand out.”

Dr. Seuss