Preschool #2

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Preschool #2

November 2018


It has been a busy October with Fall and Halloween approaching. As the children began to visit the pumpkin patch, we decided to do some pumpkin investigation in the classroom. First, we measured our pumpkin; how much does it weigh, how many blocks high is it and how big is it around (circumference). We then made predictions; would our pumpkin sink or float? Many children were surprised to see the pumpkin float! Finally, we had to find out what was inside the pumpkin. The children scooped out the pulp and seeds and we transformed our pumpkin into a Jack-o-lantern. The next day, the children mixed and measured, and we baked. The pumpkin chocolate chip cookies were delicious! We also pounded golf tees into the pumpkins and stretched elastics over them to create all kinds of shapes.


There’s just not enough time in a day to learn everything there is to know!