Preschool #2

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September 2018

Preschool #2


Back to school is here and that means that their will be some children leaving Story Book and beginning their journey at “Big” school. Every group of children is different and have their own interests. We have learned a lot about Space and the teachers had to familiarize themselves with Star Wars (different than Star Trek). This group of children were also wonderful builders. There were many days that there was not a single block left on the shelf. We explored the ocean, sharks, sea turtles, and learned about the life cycles of a butterfly, bird and frog. The children were so proud of the first letter of their names and this leads to an interest in printing their name. We traced, we bingo dabbed, we painted, we cut our names up and put them back together like a puzzle and we spelled our names with alphabet magnets on the chalkboard. We had a wonderful time together and the children formed meaningful relationships with each other.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child’s early years. It has been a pleasure.


You’re off to

Great places!

Today is your day!

Your mountain

Is waiting, so…

Get on your way!

-Dr. Seuss-