Preschool #1

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September 2018

Preschool Room #1


Now that summer has quickly come and gone we are excited to start a new school year! We hope everyone enjoyed their summer.

With a new school year upon us, we made slight changes in staffing. This year our staff will be Miss Lindsay, Mrs. Michelle, and Mrs. Denise. Please keep in mind that all staff can work effectively with all age groups and will adjust teaching styles and curriculum to best suit the needs and developmental age of the children. Staff will continuously plan the curriculum based on the children’s interest as well as introducing new ideas to them.

The month of August brought about discussions on animals such as ocean, farm and zoo animals. We learned where they lived, what they eat, and the types of environments they can be found in. The children were most interested in zoo animals since many of them visited the zoo and African Lion Safari over the summer.

We also discussed manners and working together, by doing a lot of team building activities with the children.