Kindergarten News

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The old saying proved to be true this year . . . April showers DID bring May flowers! As we’ve been learning more about all things Spring, our JK/SK group has noticed lots of colour returning outdoors, including green leaves and grass, blue skies, and lots of colourful things popping up in gardens!

We’re happy to report that the residents at Iler Lodge absolutely LOVED our Easter artwork.  They were even kind enough to send photos of their décor.

Our Kindergarten crew will be very busy in the upcoming week or so, as we prepare to celebrate our Moms on their special day.  Mother’s Day surprises are being crafted with lots of love.  Please try not to peek during pick up times!

According to our “A Holiday Every Day” calendar, we’ve got lots of special days in store for us this month.

An annual celebration is McHappy Day (on May 8th) to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities, including the Ronald McDonald house that supports many families across Ontario. Here at school, we welcome you to wear your McD’s socks or red/yellow ones, if you have some.

On Tuesday, May 14th it’s “Dance Like a Chicken Day”, so it’s almost guaranteed that we’ll break out that popular dance party song during our circle time activities!

We’ll try to talk our way into another special treat, on May 15th, for “National Chocolate Chip Day”.  Mmmm . . . cookies!

International Dinosaur Day falls on the 21st and World Turtle Day appears on the 23rd.  We’ll learn all about these creatures’ habitats, meals, behaviours, etc.

Just a reminder, S.B.E.L.C. latchkey program and child care facility will be closed on Monday, May 20th for the holiday.  We hope that you enjoy the long weekend!