Kindergarten News

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As the winter season approaches, we are learning all about “hibernation”.  It is a big word, but our super smart kindergarten group can tell you what it means!   Not all creatures are cut out for those cold and snowy days, and we are amazed that they can sleep for months at a time.  We will see them again, in the Spring!

December also brings Miss Kelly’s favourite holiday!  We will be jumping into the Christmas festivities by decking the classroom in holiday décor.  Lots of artwork will soon be covering our bulletin boards and holiday stories, games, and finger-plays will occupy our circle time, and we’ll likely hear all about parades, tree decorating, Santa lists, and special baking days, during our everyday conversation.

Just as a reminder, Story Book will be closed for the holidays starting December 22nd and we will return January 2nd. We wish you all a safe and happy holiday