Kindergarten News

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A little blast of snow has launched our group into a flurry of winter activities!  Our Kindergarten crew have made hanging snowflakes and colourful mittens to display on our bulletin board.  And we’ve brought the outdoors “in” with a friendly snowball fight, paper plate skating and even building snowmen in our classroom.

            An unexpected visitor (just after the holidays) piqued their curiosity enough to learn more about bats.  We did some research and found the critter was indeed a “big brown bat”, based on his furry body and the measurement of his wingspan.  We also found that the brown bat is a late hibernator, explaining why he came about in the winter months.  We know that his kind prefer to dwell in empty buildings and is often found in the rafters of barns and attics. 

            All our bat research lead to our study of “hibernation”.  Our Kindergarten group are learning all about the animals that settle in for a long rest during the winter months and which ones prefer the cold.  We plan to construct our own “caves and dens” with materials found in the science and art areas.  We are also hoping to find and explore animal tracks that we find out in the snow.

            All things “Groundhog” has been the topic of conversation amongst our students! We have made our predictions and are anxious to find out the results on February 2nd.    They love to dress up as the furry little rodents (masks) and demonstrate the popping out of their burrows.  I’m sure that they’ll be teaching you our fingerplays as well! Stay tuned for the results!

            We will be having a pink, red, and white day to celebrate Valentine’s day on Friday, February 14th.

            Just a reminder that Friday, February 14th is a P.A. Day.  Please let us know if your child(ren) will require care for the day.  Also, we will be closed for Family Day, on Monday, February 17th.