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KINDERGARTEN NEWS                                                                                               

            Upon our return from the long Easter weekend, we took the time to acknowledge and celebrate, Earth Day.  We discussed the things that the students love the most about our planet and ways to help keep it safe.  Everyone agreed to pick up garbage (when they see it), water the plants and flowers and to keep our ponds clean (for the fish, frogs, & turtles).  The “EARTH DAY” bingo game was also introduced to our class and has been a requested daily activity ever since.

            As the month came to a close, the kindergarten crew learned of the popular saying, “APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS”.  With all of the rain that continues to fall, we are certain that we should soon find flowers EVERYWHERE!!!  We’ve continued to search for signs of Spring; . . . finding lots of worms and mud puddles along the way!  The book, “Mud Puddle”, by Robert Munsch, has become a classroom favourite!

            As several of our students have added new members (of the furry kind) to their families this Spring, we’ve been spending our large group time learning about different pets, their distinct features, and how to take care of them.  Another favourite story, about Grandma Tildy and her pets, takes a turn when the unwanted elephant becomes the most helpful animal of the bunch.  It taught our kindergarteners that sometimes the most unexpected friendships can develop, when you just give someone a chance.

            As always, . . . we work hard in our classroom, to “keep up with kindness”. Our students demonstrate kindness and caring, on many occasions throughout each and every day.  They strive to help their friends clean up after playtime, open containers for each other during snack time, and include everyone in games that are played outside.  They assist our teachers with taking attendance, organizing our cart, putting equipment away in the storage shed, and stacking chairs at the end of the day.  Our kindergarten friends LOVE getting “caught”; . . . caught in the act of doing something helpful, kind, and amazing!  Perhaps, you could try to catch them at home, as well.  They will probably welcome the challenge!

            Just a reminder, that we will be closed on Monday, May 20th, for the Victoria Day holiday.  Enjoy the long weekend!