School Age News

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Hip Hip Hooray! The nice weather is here to stay!    June is finally here, and our class couldn’t be more excited about the nice weather we have been having. We spent the month of May exploring different types of … Continued

Preschool Room #3

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We have been so excited about the warmer weather! With spring in full gear, we have been interested in gardening and learning about the plant life cycle. On Earth Day we learned the importance of caring for our planet and … Continued

Kindergarten News

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The old saying proved to be true this year . . . April showers DID bring May flowers! As we’ve been learning more about all things Spring, our JK/SK group has noticed lots of colour returning outdoors, including green leaves and … Continued

School Age News

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Our class has been busy spending our time outdoors. We have been so fortunate to take advantage of the beautiful and warm weather. Our class has been enjoying playing four square, skipping, drawing with chalk, and playing soccer. We are … Continued

Toddler Room #1 & #2 News

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Toddler Room #1  Happy Spring! We hope everyone enjoyed the long Easter weekend. The children practiced finding eggs and learned lots of Easter songs over the last few weeks. One of their favourites was, “I had a chocolate Easter Bunny”. … Continued